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Bullying – Book List

  • Picture Book

Each Kindness

Woodson, Jacqueline

Theme: Bullying

Chloe and her friends won’t play with the new girl in class because she seems different. The teacher invites the class to think about the true meaning of kindness.

  • Fiction


Pignat, Caroline

Theme: Bullying

Will Read, a boy obsessed with his ant farm, becomes the perfect target for Shane, a grade 9 bully.

  • Picture Book

I Didn’t Stand Up

Falcone, Lucy

Theme: Bullying

Uses the poem “First They Came” as a model for her book about standing up to school bullies who target those they see as different.

  • Fiction


Spinelli, Jerry

Theme: Bullying

Zinkoff travels from first through sixth grade, labelled as a ‘loser’. Resilience and determination help transform this character into a ‘hero’.

  • Fiction


Anderson, John David

Theme: Bullying

Cell phones are banned at a middle school. Four friends explore ways to communicate through sticky notes.

  • Fiction

Real Friends

Hale, Shannon

Theme: Bullying

This graphic memoir is the story of what it means to be a true friend and the challenges of wanting to belong.

  • Fiction
  • Young Adult

The Misfits

Howe, James

Theme: Bullying

A gang of five 7th graders combat intolerance by challenging others to see them as strong, proud humans.

  • Picture Book

The Name Jar

Choi, Yangsook

Theme: Bullying

Unhei, a young girl from Korea is anxious to be liked. When challenged to find a name, her classmates help by offering suggestions in a glass jar.

  • Fiction
  • Young Adult

The Reluctant Journal of Henry K. Larsen

Nielsen, Susin

Theme: Bullying

This novel deals with the effects of a school shooting on the shooter’s family.

  • Fiction
  • Young Adult

Wolf Hollow

Wolk, Lauren

Theme: Bullying

Betty, a 14-year-old bully singles out Annabelle as a target because she thinks she’s wealthy.

  • Fiction


Palacio, R. J.

Theme: Bullying

August Pullman, a boy born with a facial difference, helps to teach readers about acceptance and kindness.

  • Fiction
  • Young Adult

Young Man With Camera

Sher, Emil

Theme: Bullying

A  young adolescent boy uses his camera to give him strength against bullies. Includes photographs.

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